Harry has drawn political and topical cartoons for thirty years. His very first published cartoon featured Bob Hawke and Joh Bjelke-Petersen. His cartoons have been printed regularly by the Cairns Post, Townsville Bulletin, Mackay Daily Mercury and Rockhampton Morning Bulletin. He has also drawn cartoons for many smaller papers starting with the Ayr Advocate and ranging across Queensland from the Innisfail Advocate to the Longreach Leader and Moreton Bay Sentinel.
In many cases Harry has outlasted the papers which ran his cartoons.
He will always love drawing the events of the day and recording the foibles and failures of the many politicians that have also come and gone.

Harry Bruce Cartoonist & Caricaturist Artist
Australian freelance cartoonist and caricaturist based in Mackay, Queensland. Contact Harry for new commissions or prints of his current work.